What Is Better Than A Get-Rich-Quick Promise?
Our “Make 10 Times Your Investment In 365 Days Or We Buy You Back” Guarantee!
Insane? Not at all. Our formula works so well that we know we can’t lose. If for some reason your are too busy (or lazy) to do your part in our partnership, our work will still have bear it’s fruits. While the businesses grow much faster when our partners do their part, our promotion systems keep the value of the website climbing. After a year we know from experience it is worth at the very least five times the kick-start investment paid so it’s a deal for us to buy it back for one fifth of its value. Get it?
We do not offer Get-Rich-Quick schemes, we only provide no risk, sure shots!
To learn more about our partnership offer read the Make Money While You Sleep post and the About Claude LaBadie page.
To all I wish a happy, healthy and abundant year 2010.
Make Money While You Sleep
When I tell my friends that I do Internet Business Coaching for a living but people do not have to pay for my coaching they get really confused. So to help everyone understand, let me describe it simply.
Here is what I do.
I partner with people who are willing to put up with 30 to 60 minutes a day writing about something they like, something they know well and can be useful for others or something of interest they are researching.
I take care of building and tuning a website for them to write on with tools which makes it as easy as using a word processing software. I teach them how to do it and help them with their challenges.
I also help them attract interested readers and make money while they sleep. Too good to be true? Not so. Done that, still doing it and will keep doing it for quite a while. I get such a blast each time my thrilled partners call me to tell me how much they are having fun and how much money we made this month.
Feel free to ask how I can help you make money while you sleep.