About Claude LaBadie
I partner with people who are willing to put up with 30 to 60 minutes a day writing about something they like, something they know well and can be useful for others or something of interest they are researching.
I take care of building and tuning a website for them to write on with tools which makes it as easy as using a word processing software. I teach them how to do it and help them with their challenges.
I also help them attract interested readers and earn money. Too good to be true? Not so. Done that, still doing it and will keep doing it for quite a while. I get such a blast each time my thrilled partners call me to tell me how much they are having fun and how much money we made this month.
Feel free to ask how I can help you make money having fun.
Coaching and supporting a growing number of partners into Internet Business creation, Claude LaBadie has been researching and testing Internet Marketing strategies since 2005.
Previously a software integrator with more than 25 years of experience in software development, system & network administration and migration, he has been proficient in project and team management.
He is a big fan of personal growth, Internet marketing, Open Source Software and wild nature.