Is Your Website Speed Costing You A Fortune?
Is your website generating revenues to your satisfaction?
How often do you “play customer” and explore your website like it is someone else’s you might want to buy from?
How fast is your website responding to your actions then?
We know by experience that slow websites don’t sell even if the offer is extraordinary and the traffic is huge and well qualified. Combining some research findings Loadstorm has produced a report which explains how Web Performance Impacts Conversion Rates
It doesn’t makes sense to save a few dollars with cheap webhosting, even while you are preparing you site. Isn’t your time or even worse the time of the people you pay worth more than the few bucks you save by using cheap, unreliable and slow webhosting service?
Why is investing in a good performance webhosting service a better idea?
- Save time and money by making sure to avoid waiting after your site;
- Maximize sales by ensuring the fastest possible response time;
- Support your advertising investment with great performance even during traffic peaks generated by sucessful campaigns;
- Nowadays an optimum performing website setup is really not expensive even if not “cheap”.
Even many large companies do make the costly mistake of underestimating the value of the speed of execution of their sales system. When they invest in large advertising campaigns they often do not verify that their system is able to handle the surge of visitor elegantly.
What happens then?
Many visitors attracted by the ads come to a website that looks frozen or even broken, quit in disgust and never come back. Results are wasted advetising dollars and many lost sales.
If you are serious about doing business you need to consider the performance of your sales system. This is even more important on the Internet where potential is of the charts and prospect patience very limited.
One good entry tool for assessing the basic reliability and performance of your website is a monitoring service like the well known Pingdom or the free service from Port Monitor
Need help for improving your sales? Contact me to learn more.
Wireless Headphones Website
We have produced a new website for one of our long time customer and partner for generating revenues through affiliation.
This elegant website promotes a few high quality “radio frequency”, “bluetooth” and “gaming” wireless headphones by teasing visitors interest and redirecting them to the item’s order page on
Best Wireless Headphones
Done-For-You Advertising For Partners
For immediate release: To all our partners
After no less than 53 productive campaigns today, we have become so successful at producing results with Bing Ads that we are now offering to all current partners the incredible opportunity to have us invest our own resources into the advertising of your Internet business.
- For $100 we will purchase $200 of PPC ads on Bing (twice your investment);
- For $150 we will purchase $450 of PPC ads on Bing (three times your investment);
- For $200 we will purchase $800 of PPC ads on Bing (four times your investment)
Additionally, we will perform the production and the management of this service at no cost to you:
- We will research to select the most productive keywords for your offers;
- We will create and “fine tune” the advertising messages;
- We will set up the tracking and reporting;
- We will leave you with your Bing Ads account and all campaign data for you to take over if you desire or keep managing the advertising for you if you prefer.
This offer is exclusively available to our Internet Business Partners because we get great returns on our investments through our profit sharing agreement. The reason we offer this amazing opportunity is that it is very profitable for us because it is even more profitable for you.
Here is an example of results we have achieved in the first weeks of 2014:
Initial Investment | Monthly charges | Monthly Return | |
Partner | $200 | $200 | $2,970 |
Us | $925 | $275 | $990 |
Please note that result may differ for you as every business is different and every market has a different potential for rapid growth. All considering it is a golden opportunity requiring a small investment for a good prospect of a greater regular income.
We also provide adverting management and support for targeting other audiences such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and other networks. Contact us for more information.
The Power of Bing Ads
Bing Ads today also control Yahoo Ads. According to comScore as of December 2013, Bing and Yahoo together process for 29% of all searches on the Internet from US locations. In numbers this represents roughly 5 billion searches per month.
Bing will impose much less restrictions on the landing pages linked to your ad than Google as far as it’s not promoting something illegal.
If you know what you are doing, search engines is where you can get the most targeted traffic and the higher rate of conversion to sales. The problem is the only way you will know for sure of what works is by doing tests yourself and that can get very costly. That is why you should start by learning from the best professional possible.
You can learn all the strategic details about Bing Ads, including inside tricks and expert advice with the “look over my shoulder while I explain what I do” training by Armand Morin. He dedicates a whole 90 minute session exclusively to Bing Ads placing. This session is only one of the 12 sessions totaling 18 hours of top gun training about Paid advertising traffic called Traffic WebCamp. Forget about SEO and free advertising because it is time consuming and mostly a waste of time. Believe me you want to pay good money to a reliable source and get more sales. It doesn’t have to be a fortune but as a rule of thumb, paying $1 for a $5, $10 or $20 sales increase is good. Right?
Armand also covers 4 different ways to advertise profitably on Facebook, YouTube video traffic, Article marketing, Pay Per View (PPV), Retargeting, and even Mobile marketing. You are not convinced Armand delivers the best practical and fun to watch training? Well you can watch the complete next training webcamp for free if you register and watch it live on WebCamp website
You are smart and keen on making the right business decisions? You will want to subscribe right away to the monthly membership and gain access to all the webcamps already available:
What subject will the next WebCamp training cover in outstanding detail?
Find yourself on WebCamp website
How We Quadrupled Her Sales in 7 Days
Last December, Dany, one of our partners, needed to seriously increase the revenue coming from her website. It had to be done fast and at minimum cost because she was just fired from her job, had very little savings and had a family with 3 kids, a house, 2 cars and other expenses to cover for. Her site, was already earning over an average of $1,200 USD per month for her. Let me tell you the situation called for fast results.
I just had the opportunity to improve my expertise in online advertising in the beginning of the month with my favorite trainer’s new WebCamp on targreted traffic. It’s 18 hours of 90 minute videos packed with in depth and comprehensive how to training sessions on the most efficient paid advertising strategies you can find. He tells you all about how he does it, what he uses and why.
Using one of these traffic strategy as a model, we designed the advertising material and started testing for a low $10 a day on FaceBook. It took 5 days of tweaking the ads, their placement and the advertising budget until we could reach a result of $186 per day which stabilized to an average of $162 per day. Since then sales are averaging $4,853 of sales per month. Personally, I think what is mostly impressive regarding these results is that it required only 8 days and setting an advertising budget of roughly $300 per month.
Happily, Dany sent a letter of thanks to her previous boss for pushing her into “financial independence”. Se is also planning to take her Internet business to the next level in the near future.
I have to thank Armand Morin, my favorite source of comprehensive, to-the-point unique training sessions, for allowing the reaching of these astonishing results in a shorter period than we ever could. His informational videos are also fun to watch. Once you have experienced them you can’t find enough of them. Don’t take my word for it go see for yourself at and yes, this is an affiliate link and I will be paid a commission when you buy from him. And you know what? You will soon do the exact same thing because it is a kind and honest thing to do.
Take your life in your how hands and steer it where you want.
With great Love and Gratitude,
Outstanding Teachings For How To Make Money On Line
Are you ready to rock?
Making money online is easy once you pick a good strategy and know the step-by-step process to use it to its full power. But where can you get BS free training from someone that is very successful and reliable?
The best source of training I know of for learning how to make money on line is Webcamp by Armand Morin. He runs quite a number of successful Internet businesses including a series of Internet Marketing information and services websites. You can get a good taste of the quality of material he provide through his high quality Internet Marketing Newsletter.
Webcamp is providing a series on in-depth courses like no other. Each topic is covered through 18 hours of attention grabbing and fun videos, conveniently offered in 90 minutes sessions that will knock your socks off. Each session s a gem on its own, revealing sound and explained strategies with detailed instructions on how to put them in practice for yourself.
Armand doesn’t keep anything from you. He tells it how it is, what is working, what is not and why. Providing you are willing to wait for next Webcamp launch, you can watch the entire new course he launches every two months, for free if you watch live in streaming mode. Personally, I think it is a waste to wait. Time is money and the sooner I got the trainings, the sooner I started implementing some of these powerful strategies and make money from them.
Don’t wait! It doesn’t get any better than this.
Help Needed
Would you like to learn how to do business on the Internet and make some money in the process?
Could you help me research information, write small texts and communicate with like-minded people on my behalf?
You could also get the opportunity to own your very own business you can operate from home.
I am looking for people to help looking over a number of our sites and I am more than willing to give away a large share of the revenues to the helping hand.
If you any of the following sites strikes your interest please contact me using the contact form
YouTube Video Sites Generator
Rodeo Tour Guide
Country Guitar Lesson
Fans Of The Secret
Sweet Divorce
Home Renewable Energy Efficiency
Warcraft Videos Live
Free Murder Mystery Party
Extreme Vacation Packages
AdCenter Advertising Training And Support
China Export & Import Opportunities
Electronic Commerce Expert Resources and Advice
Video Games Directory
Here is your chance to be shown the ropes and partner with a successful and openly sharing professional.
Don’t miss on it! Contact me now!
Own Business In The World Web System
The internet as the new technological novelty of the century is used already not only as the mean of communication or the source of useful information. Very often in the modern society, people are using the internet as the place of work. It is quite equitable niche of gaining for every one, who has the desire to make some money. The money on – line chappelle gives us the brilliant opportunity to start and develop your own business in the internet or just to get some additional profit for your main activity. The money on – line chappelle is able to help you gain money in the short time with completely no efforts in the achieving the very aim. Of course, the every single profit needs time, skills, abilities, experience and education. The money on – line chappelle is not the exception of the rule. If you would like to get good money over the internet in your own niche of gaining, you have to do your best, to make the business to work on you. in the other words you have to work on your business a lot first it begin to work on your benefit. It might sounds suspicious, but there is the rational grain in the very statement. The money on – line, as the any other kind of money of – line, demands the developing its main positions, principles of organization and so on. There is one of the niches of the internet profit that is very popular for today and leads the top of the kinds of gaining money at the stock market. How many times you have heard about the internet trade. We are sure that the internet trade is the kind of business that would have the big future. With the every single year the money on – line chappelle develop with the speed that even impress their owners. The profit that is presented in the world web system in the majority of cases is related with the some kind of trade. The internet trade is one of the most profitable ways to gain stuff. If it would be compares with the other ways of life’ earning the internet trade is the easiest among them. The internet trade, as the niche of the profit, does need the great deal of attention and the skills that would be helpful for your good profit benefit. If you would like to deal with the niche of net profit, you have to remember that the money on – line chappelle is able to present you the two ways of gaining, your own or to join the already developed kind of money on – line chappelle and earn your living there. It does not matter what kind of profit would you choose, we wish you good luck.
Before you decide to make money at home you must be absolutely fair with yourself and ask a straightforward question “If it is so easy to make money at home, why don’t I see at least several millionaires in my neighborhood?”
A good question to start with. And from here you will start realizing that without proper education you cannot do online business successfully. We encourage you to visit the quoted site to see what works and what not on the online market of making money. More info on the the best way to make money at home blog.
What Is Better Than A Get-Rich-Quick Promise?
Our “Make 10 Times Your Investment In 365 Days Or We Buy You Back” Guarantee!
Insane? Not at all. Our formula works so well that we know we can’t lose. If for some reason your are too busy (or lazy) to do your part in our partnership, our work will still have bear it’s fruits. While the businesses grow much faster when our partners do their part, our promotion systems keep the value of the website climbing. After a year we know from experience it is worth at the very least five times the kick-start investment paid so it’s a deal for us to buy it back for one fifth of its value. Get it?
We do not offer Get-Rich-Quick schemes, we only provide no risk, sure shots!
To learn more about our partnership offer read the Make Money While You Sleep post and the About Claude LaBadie page.
To all I wish a happy, healthy and abundant year 2010.
Content Management Systems for eCommerce
I just read and excellent article by Joel Reyes posted on Web Design Ledger website.
“Top 5 Content Management Systems for eCommerce” gives honest and unbiased information about the best tools available today to create and operate an online store. For those of you who prefer to sell tangible products or prefer the store model it provides time-saving information regarding the best tools you may use.
I am please to note that 4 over 5 of the suggested product are from the open source community, always my preferred source for software.
If you plan on create an online store and haven’t selected your software solution yet (and even if you did), you should take the time to read this informative post.
Web Design Ledger website is also a very good example of a content-rich and well monetized WordPress blog. It is woth visiting even just for a little case-study.
Read the article here “Top 5 Content Management Systems for eCommerce“